Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Do the Evolution...

Being a software engg, and seeing the way the market is progressing, looks like a dreadful future of the IT industry. The images are scenes from Pearl Jam's song; Do the evolution. Amazing animation, and scary...

Does it look like I even care!

This was a puch line used by Mr. Fedrick Hamilton, my first boss. Was a shrewed person to work with, but learnt quite many things from him.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

House of the Holy

This is not an original compilation of mine, I found this on a website giving a photoshop tutorial, picked it and gave it a gross look. Reminds me of "Frankenstein" in the making...
* If the original maker as any objections let me know, i'll get if off the blog

Monday, May 29, 2006

Walk on water

This was just a silly compilation using Poser and Bryce 3D in combination. Came out decent, so published it...


Does any one recall the old japanese animated series 'Robotech' on Star Plus. Was just recalling old days and collected some cool designs compiled them and voila! I had a wallpaper.

P.S.: None of the sketchs are mine! All are off the net :)

Another one for Inverse Tech

Another one done for Inverse Technologies

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

This is not that asthetic a pic, but was designed as a promotional campain for a small design firm, a few friends were planning to put together. The thought is still very fresh, but the venture never walked out of the drawing board.

Get off my planet you freaky alien!

This was the last piece of 3D art I ever did. It was supposed to be a joint compilation along with a friend of mine. He was supposed to design the gun and I the soilder.

The scene decided was of a soilder, wounded in a raging war against the aliens. He was one of the last few humans remaining... The thought was inspired my 'Metallica's -> St. Anger album. It has two songs which went hand in hand with this scenario.
  • Shoot me again I ain't dead yet!
  • It's my world you can't have it.

My friend got a job & so did I the project was incomplete.. but still published. This is how far we could get...

2003 - 100 years of aviation

100 years of aviation, and we flew off the ground to the moon! Wonder what will happen in the next 100 years!


I stand alone...

Space Station

This is one of my first 3-D art works, which is worth publishing... It's a space station, which had a viewing corridor around it. The rotation of this causes the centrifugal force, which acts as gravity in space...

seeing is believing - WYSIWYG

What you see is what you get...

Adbhuta [Wonder]

Rasa - The aim of raga is to elicit emotional and psychological responses from the listener. The production of these specific responses can be understood by exploring the concept of rasa.. Rasa has been referred to as "aesthetic delight". It is, however, a delight distinguished from sensual enjoyment. It is free from the limitations of personal feelings. It is the delight in which the higher consciousness is involoved in the experience of universal affection.

There are nine rasas:
  • Love (Shringar)
  • Humor (Hasya)
  • Pathos (Karuna)
  • Anger (Rudra)
  • Heroism (Vir)
  • Terror (Bhayanaka)
  • Disgust (Veebhatsa)
  • Wonder (Abdhuta)

I'll try finding the ninth one also...

E = mc2; Relatively speaking, albert einstien

The most talked about equation E= mc2; It has kept thousands of physicts busy!! Well me none, but was still tied up reading 'The Brief History of Time'


This was the cover for our college EESA [Electrical Engineers Student Association]

Sunday, May 28, 2006


The college cultural festival, the whole idea was to give it an 'Indian' theme. I think I did a great job in doing so, the poster was liked by everyone...

Vector - direct your thought

This was a poster for out college technical festival. The punch line 'direct your thought' was given by Vijay a good friend of mine.

Screw Jack

Thanks mechanical dudes! Finally something that screws and helps!! If it wasn't for the screw jacks who whould change out punchured tyres!

fetus -- The unborn child

Femal infanticide is a huge problem in India, esp the rural part of it. It's time we spread some awareness about it. The sad part is ladies are blamed for it, little do some men know, it is the X or Y part of the sperm which is responsible for the sex of the child.

So guys, it's upto you!!


When Arjun went to get Draupati in wedding, all he could see was the eye of the fish...

Ravan Or Rishi??

This almighty 'dandasur' [king of the demons], was powerful. The myth of ten heads is also translated as a human having the power of ten humans. He was intelligent, an excellent king to his subjects, an orater and a musician...

Did the greed of Sita spoil his mind, or the revenge for his sister's pride...

AIDS - Spread the message not the virus!

1st December is World Aids day. Let's look forward to stop the spread of this virus. To all the youngsters. PRACTICE SAFE SEX, USE CONDOMS

3.14159265358979323846... [pi]

The circumference of a circle is p (pi) times the diameter of the circle, where pi is approximately 3 1/7 (or 22/7 - these sacred numbers turn up frequently in Hindu texts and Rosicrucian literature), or 3.14, or about square root of 10. The value of pi is an irrational number, and pi to 39 decimal places is sufficient accuracy to calculate the circumference of the universe to within the radius of the hydrogen atom!


In Vedic Mathematics, Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Majaraja shows the vedic numeric code, and how a hymn in praise of the Lord Shri Krishna, the Lord Shri Shankara, is also the value of p/10 to 32 decimal places (and apparently a key to calculate it to any number of decimal place, which I do not know) - the Sanskrit is shown above, which you can decode in to syllables and the decoding key below.

1 ka, ta, pa, ya
2 kha, tha, pha, ra
3 ga, da, ba, la
4 gha, dha, bha, va
5 gna, na, ma, sa
6 sa, ta, sha
7 cha, tha, ssa
8 ja, da, ha
9 jha, dha0 ksa

A mode detailed reading is at the link below.


Thursday, May 25, 2006


My first dital artwork & I still call it my best! During this period I was reading the Bhagwad Gita, though never finished it much, but liked it. I like the 'indian' touch to it. This was designed in the winter of 2001. October I think

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My desk...

Mom always keeps complaining, "You the filthiest guy on this planet". Well I decided to see it through her eyes. and did realize. The desk was always cluttered! Added some rasterized effects to it. I don't know, but looks kinda cool!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Widest Angle Camera!

This pics was classifed as digital_art, cos this pic is a compilation of 26 photographs taken from a low resolution webcam. That is the drawing room of my house in Bombay. No one was at home and I had returned from a night shift at 4:00 am, was bored and not sleepy.

Decided to try some stunts and ended up with this. I like the outcome of the pic.